Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011

Review of the year 2011

Hello guys,
This is my review of the year 2011.
Many things happend in 2011 , some of them were good and some of them bad. 
I'll start with the good things:
- The new Casper album ,,XOXO" was released . One of the best cd´s , i've ever heared.
- I´ve met my girlfriend at the 14.06 , we're now 6 months together .
- I´ve started this blog (hurray !!!)
- Some good videogames has been released ( L.A Noire , Mafia 2 )
- my nephew was born on my Birthday (11.12) he's a very cool little guy =D
Now the bad things:
- the earthquake in Fukushima (Japan) and the accident with the atomic plant. I really was shocked when I heared this. 
- Loriot , one of the best german comedians and philosopher died at the age of 87.
- Steve Jobs died 
- the war in Libya

I know there were many more things in 2011 , but  these one were very interestring for me.

So I hope 2012 will be a good year for all of us and you guys enjoy it.
I hope you guys make resolutions for it , maybe i post my resolutions for 2012 

So guys , have a nice day and sorry for my bad english :/


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